Monday, August 7, 2017

Hey there! Let's start off by being a bit cheesy- welcome to my blog! I'm so glad you came. 

My name is Lindsay. I'm a 27 year old (as of yesterday!), returning to school for my second Bachelor's Degree to become a Registered Nurse. Most people dont have their life all figured out when they graduate from college (the first time at least). I live in New York, and currently work the overnight shift in an Emergency Room with psychiatric patients. 

I'm a wanderluster. Oh how the thought of travel, different cultures, beautiful nature, and the like have me in a whirlwind of daydreaming and wishful thinking. And that's where this blog comes in....

I am an addict. 

To coffee. My motto "but first, coffee." Right now, I see no end to this dark hole. I need a coffee to become a productive member of society on any given day. My day starts with a coffee, middle of the day there's one too, and to end the night; you guessed it: coffee. 

Now, a coffee addiction is bad enough, but its even worse when the addiction is not satisfied by brewing my own. That's right, every single coffee is purchased by one of those billionaire coffee franchises sucking the life (and funds) out of me. 

At the absolute bare minimum, my coffee allowance for the month reaches upwards of $250 a month. Thats about $3,000 a year in coffee. Yikes

I wish I had the funds to travel wherever, whenever I want. You know, live like the Kardashians or something like that. But that's just not realistic for this working New Yorker. By cutting down on my coffee addiction, and living a bit more frugally throughout life, I can afford those trips that I so desperately long for. 

So cheers to my new motto... 
Quit Coffee, More Travel
Its going to be one heck of a ride. 

Next stop: Dublin, Ireland

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